In February 2021, Wharton-Smith was selected as the Construction Manager at Risk for the Bay Laurel Center Community Development District’s North Water Reclamation Facility (NWRF), a critical fast-track project on a greenfield site. The team was able to mobilize in May of 2022 at 60% design to begin sitework activities.

The new wastewater facility will replace an existing 1.25 MGD that is currently at capacity serving the surrounding On Top of the World, Stone Creek, and Calesa communities. The facility will cost approximately $120 million and have an initial capacity of 2.5 MGD ADF, with a provision for future expansion to 3.75 MGD.

Senior Project Manager Curtis Matte cited some impressive statistics regarding the project. He said, “So far, we have cleared 30 acres, installed 2.5 miles of new 20’ stabilized asphalt road, and handled over 295,000 yards of fill. There are 2.5 million pounds of rebar on-site, over 7,000 cubic yards of concrete poured, two miles of 24” force main linework, 1.5 miles of 20” reclaimed water main linework, two miles of process piping, and three new public supply wells for construction and permanent water.”

See more pictures and video highlights.

About the Project
The 20-acre NWRF site will include an operations building, headworks, a 500,000-gallon equalization tank, a five-stage oxidation ditch, two secondary clarifiers, a RAS/WAS pump station, two disc filters, a chlorine contact basin, a 6.25 million gallon reclaimed water ground storage tank, a reclaim pump station with five vertical turbine pumps, a secondary electrical building with sodium hypochlorite feed facility, digesters with jet aeration, the main electrical building, and a Biosolids Dewatering Building with two screw presses and loading conveyor system. The new adjacent 82-acre site consists of two 10-acre rapid infiltration basins (RIBs).

This project also includes the construction of a new off-site Master Lift Station, upsizing pumps in an existing off-site lift station, interconnecting force mains with flow rerouting, and decommissioning of the existing facility.