Every other month, Caryn Huff, Wharton-Smith Project Executive, holds a team meeting at the North Port office. With an emphasis on fostering a culture of open communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement, these meetings propel the team forward.

The North Port office recently experienced a significant growth spurt by adding eight new team members. The influx of talent highlighted the need for a larger space, as the conference room could no longer accommodate the expanding team, so they arranged a meeting at Buffalo Wings & Rings.

During these meetings, team members discuss the status of ongoing projects, exchange ideas, and find ways to tackle the challenges ahead. Caryn emphasized, “We discuss projects, issues, concerns, and upcoming initiatives. It’s an avenue for knowledge sharing and an opportunity to inform the team about company policy and procedure changes.”

What sets these meetings apart is the commitment to creating a relaxed and enjoyable environment where team members feel at ease expressing their thoughts and seeking support when needed. Whether over breakfast at the office, during a friendly game of cornhole outdoors, or playing pool at a local restaurant, the North Port team feels like family.