On January 17, Wharton-Smith celebrated the culmination of an extraordinary partnership with Habitat for Humanity Seminole-Apopka as the keys to a brand-new home were turned over. Wharton-Smith has partnered with Habitat for seven years, providing a safe and stable environment for deserving families and exemplifying its unwavering commitment to building communities. See photos.

Wharton-Smith collaborated with its subcontractors, who generously donated both labor and materials to bring this project to life. “Wharton-Smith believes in fully providing and giving back to the community,” said Senior Project Manager Keri Strawder. “This home was built in 16 weeks, starting in September, and now we get to turn it over to Habitat so they can provide it to a new family.”

“It’s great to give back,” said President and CEO Tim Smith. “When you see the turnout of the community and the people who participate, it reminds you of the power of making the world a better place.”

Habitat for Humanity Seminole-Apopka has been building brighter futures and better communities in Central Florida for over 33 years. Through financial support, business partnerships, and volunteer resources, Habitat builds and develops affordable homes that are sold to low-to-moderate-income families at no profit and are financed with a modest mortgage. Homebuyers qualify through financial education, volunteerism, and helping to build their home and those of other future homebuyers. Visit https://www.habitatseminoleapopka.org/ to learn more.