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So far WSI Web Author has created 402 blog entries.

Nate Hillard Earns DBIA Certification

By |2023-05-10T16:25:25-04:00January 9th, 2023|Awards and Recognition, The Central Florida Region|

Congratulations to Nate Hillard, Director of Collaborative Delivery. He completed the Design-Build Institute of America’s comprehensive education and certification testing program and achieved the highest designation as a nationally certified Design-Build Professional! Endorsed by the Design-Build Certification Board, the program is the accepted educational standard for experienced practitioners with a qualified and quantified level of [...]

Christmas Food Drive at the Palm Beach Gardens Office

By |2023-05-10T16:27:11-04:00December 22nd, 2022|The Southeast Florida Region, What's New|

Team members at the Palm Beach Gardens office participated in their 2nd Annual Holiday Food Drive through CROS Ministries, gathering nine boxes with 239 pounds of shelf-stable grocery items. It was a great success with monetary donations from our project team at Atlantic-Sapphire. Our subcontractor, Smith Aerial Photography, and local business Tequesta Tire donated multiple bags [...]

Tampa Office Joins Bike Build in Amalie Arena

By |2024-02-29T08:52:05-05:00December 21st, 2022|The Southwest Florida Region, What's New|

On December 2, Wharton-Smith team members from the Tampa Commercial Division participated in the Onbikes 2022 Bike Build at Amalie Arena. Participants rolled up their sleeves and worked together to build a whopping 1,000 bikes. The bicycles will be given to at-risk youth in the community. For many, this will be the first one they’ve ever [...]

Christmas in the Carolinas

By |2023-05-10T16:27:27-04:00December 20th, 2022|The Carolina's Region, What's New|

On December 10, the Carolinas Region gathered at the Brewers at 4001 Yancey in Charlotte, NC, for their annual Holiday Celebration. Sean Stanford, Director of Operations, Joseph Willard, Area Manager, and Scott Whelchel, Project Executive, opened the event with a gracious thank you to all employees and their spouses for their hard work and sacrifice [...]

Sporting Clays Tournament in the Carolinas

By |2023-05-10T16:27:34-04:00December 19th, 2022|The Carolina's Region, What's New|

On December 2, Wharton-Smith team members from Carolinas Water and Commercial participated in a Sporting Clays Tournament supporting the Southeast Chapter of the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA). The event was an excellent opportunity for participants to get to know other professionals in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. Wharton-Smith Project Manager Anthony Grice [...]

Deck the Halls!

By |2023-05-10T16:27:58-04:00December 14th, 2022|The Carolina's Region, The Central Florida Region, The Gulf Coast Region, The Southeast Florida Region, The Southwest Florida Region, What's New|

We thank everyone who helped with decorations and spread holiday cheer at the corporate and regional offices. See more pictures and video highlights. “So, we’re going to begin the 2022 holiday season with the annual tree lighting,” said President Tim Smith as he opened the Sanford gathering on Dec. 1. “It’s good to see everybody.” Tim added, “I [...]

Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Simulator Ribbon cutting

By |2023-10-05T08:53:01-04:00December 9th, 2022|The Southwest Florida Region, What's New|

On November 29, Wharton-Smith joined Charlotte County Fire and EMS representatives for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) training facility. See more pictures and video highlights. The facility will see firefighting crews from across the country practice skills on a full-size aircraft built to burn. Learn more about the project here. “This is one [...]

Jingle Build-Off 2022

By |2023-05-10T16:29:12-04:00December 8th, 2022|The Central Florida Region, What's New|

The project team at The Villages Charter High School (TVCHS) joined Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter (HFHLS) to participate in the 2022 Jingle Build-Off. See slideshow highlights. The Jingle Build-Off is an annual team-building program designed to act as a fundraiser for HFHLS while providing Christmas gifts to families in the local community. The team entry fees [...]

Pensacola Office Volunteers for Bike Build

By |2023-05-10T16:29:25-04:00December 7th, 2022|The Gulf Coast Region, What's New|

On Sunday, Nov. 20, team members from the Pensacola office volunteered their time to support Onbikes Pensacola’s annual bike build event. The event helps provide bikes to local underprivileged youth, and this is the third consecutive year Wharton-Smith has participated. “This year, 500 bikes were assembled, and even though it’s not supposed to be a competition, [...]

Award of Merit and Two Eagles for Central Florida

By |2023-05-10T16:29:47-04:00December 7th, 2022|Awards and Recognition, The Central Florida Region, What's New|

Each year, the Central Florida Chapter of ABC recognizes and celebrates outstanding projects built by its members, and the Chapter’s highest recognition is the Eagle Award. Two Wharton-Smith projects received an Eagle award this year at a gala held at the Hilton Orlando. Horizon High School received the Eagle Award. Lake Pointe Academy K-8 received [...]

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